Learn how to resolve common errors encountered when using the Lumina Learning site
To troubleshoot common sign-in errors, please visit this page.
If you encounter an error, please try the following troubleshooting steps. Please complete these steps in order:
Open a private browsing tab using the Google Chrome browser (download Chrome here if it is not already installed)
If you have been asked to complete a questionnaire, go to the registration URL provided by your Lumina Learning Practitioner. If you do not have a registration URL, go to the sign-in page at https://sso.luminalearning.com/login
- If you are able to sign in using the private browsing tab, corrupted data stored in your browser cache may be preventing you from signing in when using a standard tab. Clear your browser's cookies and cache, then try to sign in again using a standard tab
- Check that your network speed is high enough by using the speed testing tool here. A very slow network (<0.5mbps) can cause your sign-in attempt to fail because the necessary data cannot be loaded. To resolve the issue, use another network with a faster connection speed
If you still cannot sign in, the problem may be caused by restrictions on your internet connection (for example, restrictions put in place by your company's IT team).Try using another network connection, e.g. your home network or mobile data connection. If you are able to sign in, please contact the administrator of your internet connection (e.g. your company IT team). Ask for luminalearning.com to be added to a safe domain list
If the problem still exists on other networks, the issue may be caused by a browser extension or add-in that is interfering with your sign-in request. Disable one extension and attempt to sign in. Repeat this process for all extensions, one by one
If your problem is not resolved by the steps on this page, please contact our Support Team. Please include the following in your message:
- Your full name
- Your Lumina Account registered email address (if relevant)
- The URL of the page where the error occurs
- The questionnaire registration URL (if relevant)
- A description of the steps that you have taken, including which of the troubleshooting steps above you have attempted
- Attach screenshots showing your entire browser, including the address bar, URL and any error messages