How to access the Spark Coach and Spark Coach Plus demo Portraits

Learn how to access the Spark Coach/Coach Plus Demo Portraits and explore the features of Spark Coach/Spark Coach Plus from the Participant’s perspective.

You can simply follow this link and log in using your Lumina Account. Or alternatively, follow the steps below to learn how to find the Spark Coach demo Portrait from the main dashboard of your Lumina Account.


  1. Head to and choose to log into your Lumina Account using "log in" button
    Screenshot 2020-08-12 at 12.12.51

  2. Enter your Lumina Account details on the log in form and then choose sign in. If you cannot remember your password you can reset it using the 'forgot password' button at the bottom of the form.
    Screenshot 2020-08-12 at 12.21.36

  3. Select Lumina Services in the left-hand menu. 

    lumina services

  4. Select the Spark Coach Demo or Spark Coach Plus Demo button.
  5. Click on any of the four Spark Coach steps to experience each feature for yourself. Remember that any data you enter will not be saved after closing the demo. 

spark coach sample 2