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UK Price List

Shipping and VAT are not included in these prices


Double-Sided Lumina Floor Mats

Diameter Standard Price per Floor Mat (£)
2' / 61cm 40.00
4' / 122cm 125.00
6' / 183cm 200.00
8' / 244cm 325.00
10' / 305cm 475.00





Standard Design Options

Product Side 1 - Everyday/Effective Qualities Side 2 - Overextended Qualities
Spark Spark Mandala Spark Mandala
Emotion (1) Emotional Spark Mandala Emotional Sparks Mandala
Emotion (2) Emotional Reactors Mandala Emotional Reactors Mandala
Sales (1) Sales Mandala Sales Mandala
Sales (2) Sales 6 Stage Model Sales 6 Stage Model
Leader Leader Mandala Leader Mandala






Lumina Cards

Product Description Price (£)
Spark 144 card deck 40.00
Emotion 196 card deck 50.00
Sales 96 card deck + 48 definition card deck 50.00
Leader 192 card deck + 32 definition card deck 55.00
Select 16 card deck 20.00
Icebreaker 100 card deck 40.00

Other Products

Product Description Price (£)
Qualification Binder Spark, Emotion, Leader or Sales Qualification Binder 75.00
Pack of 50 Coasters 5.5"/14cm, double-sided, Product Mandala everyday/effective & overextended qualities 10.00
 Spark Mousemat 9.5"/24cm, double-sided, Spark Mandala everyday/effective & overextended qualities 7.50
Stress Cube 63x63x63mm Stress Cube
everyday/effective & overextended qualities of chosen Aspect
Enquire for price
Magic Cube

71x71x71mm Magic Folding Cube

everyday/effective Spark qualities

Enquire for price

 Water Bottle

500ml Stainless Steel Water Bottle 

Aspect Colour & Lumina logo
